With the March for Life trip to Washington, D.C. canceled I invite all parishioners who normally go to the Annual March for Life in D.C. to come to the Diocesan Mass and March for life on January 15, 2022. While it is not Washington D.C. it is for the same cause and purpose as the D.C. march and is local and less costly. I hope that many of you will take this opportunity and hope to see many of you there. - I will be serving as Deacon of the Word at the Mass with the Bishop. To get information on the Diocesan Mass and March for Life simply click on this news article and you will be taken to the Diocesan website
New / Updated content has been added to The Deacons Post pages of our website. Feel free to browse the Deacons Post for the latest content and updates.
Sunday, September 24 is Priesthood Sunday. Let us join together on this special day to pray for our priests, especially our Pastor, Father Roch. Let us thank God for Father’s courage and generosity in accepting his vocation. Priesthood Sunday is not about big celebrations but it is about establishing quiet, loving care for our parish priest. A simple smile or note letting Father know of our loving care and gratitude for his presence in the life of our parish will go a long way. Thank You, Father Roch! Please, know that we appreciate and love all you do for us and we promise to keep you in our prayers. El domingo 24 de septiembre es el Domingo del Sacerdocio. Unámonos en este día especial para orar por nuestros sacerdotes, especialmente nuestro pastor, el padre Roch. Demos gracias a Dios por el valor y la generosidad del Padre en la aceptación de su vocación. El Domingo del Sacerdocio no se trata de grandes celebraciones, sino de establecer un cuidado silencioso y amoroso para nuestro párroco. Una simple sonrisa o nota que le haga saber al Padre nuestro cariño y gratitud por su presencia en la vida de nuestra parroquia será de gran ayuda. ¡Gracias, padre Roch! Por favor, sepa que apreciamos y amamos todo lo que hacen por nosotros y prometemos mentarlo en nuestras oraciones
The Bible Timeline Bible Study starts Sept 15th at 10AM. Study Guides will be available after all Masses on 9/11 and 9/12. All those signed up please bring your bibles and catechism of the Catholic Church. We will meet in the Church proper.
Registrations for 'The Bible Timeline" bible study, facilitated by Deacon Matt; will end on Tuesday August 31. Based on current registrations the evening sessions may be cancelled. All registrations and payments must be turned in by 8/31 in order to ensure we have enough study guides. The registration forms are available on our parish web site home page, and in the Foyer of the Church on the bulletin board. Please make your checks payable to Saint Mary's Catholic Church and place "bible study fee" in the memo line. Registration forms and payments can be mailed into the office, or dropped off at the office.
Please note the schedule change for the weekly Holy Hour / Prayer service starting June 23rd 2021. We are back on the Wednesday evening schedule we had during Lent,6:30PM - 7:30PM. Looking forward to our prayer and adoration each week before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the Altar
Faith Formation Registration is closed for 2020-2021 year. Thank you to all of those who register. El registro de formación de fe está cerrado para el año 2020-2021. Gracias a todos los que se registraron
Men, do you feel you have a calling to the diaconate? If you are a practicing Catholic man and are discerning a vocation to the permanent diaconate please send an email to [email protected] by September 13, 2020. The Diocesan Office of the Permanent Diaconate is preparing to start the next cohort (group) for the Formation of Permanent Deacons in the Diocese of Raleigh. Appointments will be made for those who express an interest in learning more about the Diaconate and will have the opportunity to ask questions about the formation process. This is the first step for men who are interested, in forming the next group of Aspirants to the Diaconate.
In celebration of our National Independence Day the Parish Office will be closed on Friday, July 3, 2020. We wish all our Parishioners a very safe and blessed holiday. God Bless America!
There will not be Mass on the following days: Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7:00PM Friday, June 12, 2020 at 9:00AM Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 7:00PM. Thank you.
No habrá misa en los siguientes días: Jueves 11 de junio de 2020 a las 7:00PM Viernes 12 de junio de 2020 a las 9:00AM Sábado 13 de junio de 2020 a las 7:00PM Gracias.