The Bible Timeline Bible Study starts Sept 15th at 10AM. Study Guides will be available after all Masses on 9/11 and 9/12. All those signed up please bring your bibles and catechism of the Catholic Church. We will meet in the Church proper.
Registrations for 'The Bible Timeline" bible study, facilitated by Deacon Matt; will end on Tuesday August 31. Based on current registrations the evening sessions may be cancelled. All registrations and payments must be turned in by 8/31 in order to ensure we have enough study guides. The registration forms are available on our parish web site home page, and in the Foyer of the Church on the bulletin board. Please make your checks payable to Saint Mary's Catholic Church and place "bible study fee" in the memo line. Registration forms and payments can be mailed into the office, or dropped off at the office.